Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Who Wants To BE a SEA Sister?!?

So, we got to thinking…considering our company name is so darn cute, we thought we should start with THAT as our first set of products and projects. After meeting with Erin Douglass, we were enlightened about how many companies may grow in a different direction than originally planned. We have been so busy with organizing what products to make that we lost sight of another brilliant idea- SEA Sister" products! We started working on printing some tee shirts with Erin after realizing how catchy the phrase "SEA Sisters" really is and getting those to ya'll as soon as possible. We actually put them into production TODAY!
If you’re a southern gal you likely go to the beach with your girlfriends and look forward to it all year! Bada Bing, Bada Boom….They are your “Sea Sisters” of course! So, with this little seed growing in our minds, we have decided to start making products for the "Sea Sisters" of the world. We figured, we should keep it simple, fun and get some cute stuff out there before the summer is gone for all of you! Who knows, maybe this will inspire more people to keep their sea sister trips planned or even encourage some to plan one- because you KNOW we can always use some girlfriend time! So gals, get ready for some kick booty beach girl gear coming your way from your sista friends, The SEA Sisters :)


  1. What a great idea!! I wanna be a Sea Sister!! - Victoria

  2. Now ya talkin! I have been a "Sea Sister" all my life and yes, I look forward to beach time and beach music.... with my sista's! A "Sea Sister" t-shirt is all that's missing! How soon do I get mine??

  3. Of course I want to be a Sea Sister-who wouldn't???? I'll take one in a medium.

  4. I love love love mine! It's so soft and cute!!
