Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Work it Sista!

Ok, so Saturday was a big day in the S house! I was woken up by a phone call from the momma bear to meet her for coffee - let the record state: this was WAY too early for a Saturday wake up!!! I got a little handy and bought a black ansander...then decided I needed some new shoes from DSW before the manly sanding began. After sanding, painting and sweating my behind off in the garage, I then headed into the bathroom to do a patch job on the cabinets and bathroom wall from Ellie's (my crazy puppy) teething handiwork. Lastly, I am working on the SEA business cards to be ready for printing next week. Phew, and if that wasn't enough - E's hubby Ben is moving in to my house tomorrow for the next month while he's in Baton Rouge for an internship.

E also had a very busy weekend.... She actually brought a hot glue gun into a Subway sandwich shop in order to finish one of her custom creations on her way to a Knoxville wedding. She also wore one of her latest and greatest designs that night to represent the SEA sister brand! Good job E! keep the guns loaded...with glue that is.


  1. Momma bears are supposed to do wake up calls.... and I love the sign colors!

  2. Not on baby bear's saturdays...but I love my momma bear nonetheless
